
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

One Flower Wednesday Nov 30 2011

One solitary hexagon.... or now in the corner I see another !!

I've been out of sorts...
redocorating my sewing room... and my hexies and folded flowers are on the floor....

So, Alas... it really is just ONE FLOWER THAT I REPORT ON one=flower wednesday!!!

This last day of November proved really a headache stressor!

The dreams were real and horrible last night... I was shaking scared.....of an evil child...   I know better... I could have slapped some sense into that kid to stop him....   Oh well... too many tv shows.   I'm battling  a flu/cough bug with OTC drugs plus running short on my diabetes medication.    Life is real... waiting for payday.
Nevertheless here is a blog listing I'll keep.

A Bit unusual, but this nice blog --- I think the lady is 79 yrs old and celebrated a wonderful birthday --  so that I just want to keep her link.   I didn't see a google follow button.......

The picture really says how I feel.... waiting for God and his bright sunshine to open up!!!  I know He will.

Trust God from the bottom of your/my heart,   Don't try to figure out everything on your/my own....Listen for God's voice in everything you/I do. . . Everywhere you/I go... He is the one who will keep you/me on track.    Proverbs 3:5-6 (from the Message Bible -- a Translation)

Check out the Oklahoma List of Quilt Shops

 Oklahoma Quilters State Organization

Sooner Quilts Tues - F 9am - 5pm
Thurs  9am - 7pm
Sat  9am - 3pm 7821 S. Sooner Rd.
Guthrie, OK 73044
Janome Dealership
Michelle Schroeder

 Hennessey Prairie Quilt M - F 9am - 5pm
Sat 9am - 4pm 101 S Main St.
Hennessey, OK 73742
Pfaff & Singer DealershipRanda Parish

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Preparing a Gift....


Tis the Season.....

My Father knows what I need..... even before I ask Him !!  Matthew 6:8 
And here's to thinking about a really pretty quilt I'd like to make....

OTF . . . . .Current Quilt Projects........ on the Floor
 On the Ironing Board

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011

Who am I ? ? ?

... a wife to Lawrence ... a mother, a grandmother, an aunt, a sister, a daughter ... a friend ... a quilter ... a Statistician who would rather be a some other occupation ... a small time gardener ... a champion of African-American ideology … a lover of God’s Word... a working diabetic ..  a mid-lifer …. a realistic and intelligent person! 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Election Year 2012

Countdown to Election Day 2011: 5 days
Countdown to Iowa caucuses: 61 days            ***    January 3 caucus in Iowa
Countdown to South Carolina primary: 79 days
Countdown to Florida primary: 89 days
Countdown to Nevada caucuses: 93 days
Countdown to Super Tuesday: 124 days

They Told Us: Lymphoma 8-31-2009

They Told Us:  Lymphoma 8-31-2009

Zippers How-to
